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Cendrine Marrouat- 5 Questions

1. Describe Your Books I am the author of 25 books in several genres: poetry, photography, humor, theatre, and guides for authors and writers. My latest releases include a series of short Haiku books (Walks: A Collection of Haiku), a collection of poems that I wrote at the beginning of my career (The Heart of Space), and my first foray into the humor genre (Bad. Pitches. Period. 30 Flavors of Spammy Emails). All my books are influenced by life and the lessons I have learned.

2. Share a Line from your Book and Explain What it Means to You

Here is a haiku from Walks: A Collection of Haiku (Volume 1):

"Cherry trees in bloom:

Spring in the English garden

where two lovers meet." Haiku freeze a moment in time. They force you to be concise. Most importantly, they are an invitation to the reader to "smell the roses" and focus on what matters. Haiku describe the human journey in the most beautiful way. 3. Who/What Influenced the Writing of Your Books? My biggest influences are life and the world around me. I love sharing the lessons I learn on a daily basis. As far as artists are concerned, Kahlil Gibran and Alphonse de Lamartine remain my biggest influences. 4. If Your Book Had a Soundtrack, What Would it Be? My favorite classical piece being Addinsell's Warsaw Concerto, I think most of my books would work well with it. 5. What Else Would You Like to Share About your Book(s)?

All my books are available for purchase from major bookstores around the world. Visit for more information. 

Feel free to say hi on social media. I love connecting with people and great conversations. I am @cendrinemedia on Twitter and @cendrinemedia on Instagram. 


Born and raised in Toulouse, France, Cendrine Marrouat has lived in Canada since 2003. She is a photographer, poet, multi-genre author, and the co-founder of Auroras & Blossoms Poetry Journal and FPointCollective.

Cendrine also created her own poetry form (the Sixku) and photography format (the Reminigram). She has a solid experience in several fields, including social media coaching, content creation and curation, language instruction, translation, journalism, and art criticism.

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